
Monday, 26 November 2012

SWOT Analysis on “Should Bhutan Join WTO”

1.   Nation of GNH
2. Culturally guided Country
3.Rich environment
1.Young Democratic Nation
2. Low economic rate
1.Job opportunities

      2. Increase in FDI
1.Decline in Environment
2. Cultural threat
3. Loss of small and cottage industries

·         Strength

Our country is only nation which is guided by the principle of Gross National Happiness. In the developmental activities Bhutan not only follows development but it also focuses on the happiness of the people. Development is not superior in Bhutan at the cost of people’s happiness. Therefore, Bhutan joining WTO will be favorable since GNH is considered superior.
Since the time Bhutan emerged as nation state, Bhutan had a good cultural background and with times it doesn't lost its cultural values and ethic. Bhutan has a great cultural background and it will enable Bhutan joining WTO.
Moreover, Bhutan has a rich environment which will help Bhutan develop from one stage to another stage by joining WTO.
·         Weakness
However, Bhutan is one of the Young Democratic Nation in the world, and therefore, Bhutan has got most challenging task ahead to solve within. Therefore, if Bhutan joins WTO at this hour, Bhutan will lose all its ethic and political reign. Bhutan will go through lots of chaos and trouble.
Bhutan’s economic rate is low as compared to other nation. Bhutan is in verge of development, and its developmental activities are yet to flourish and grow from one level to another level. At this time if Bhutan is joining WTO, Bhutan will face lots of problem and it may cost Bhutan to live below poverty line. So it is advisable that Bhutan should refrain from joining WTO.

·         Opportunities
If Bhutan is joining WTO, it will create lots of job opportunities in our country. The present problems of unemployment will be solved within no time and the unemployment rate will fall gradually. Therefore, our economic rate will grow to compete in global market.
Bhutan joining WTO will attract lots of Foreign Direct Investment meaning bringing income to our country. Lots of FDI indicates that our economic status will grow to a higher stage.

                  ·         Threat
Bhutan joining WTO will attract lots of foreign investment in our country and for that it will cost our environment to decline. Our rich environment will decline and our evergreen nation might become barren.
Our country will attract lots of foreigner visiting and with them bringing lots of culture. Our country might get used to their culture and it will cost our rich cultural heritage to decline.
Bhutan has small and cottage industries that are in verge of functioning into full swing. Our industries are growing and it might take some time. But if Bhutan joins WTO then, lots of FDI meaning Bhutan’s CSI will be running into losses and finally it might have to leave market. Therefore, it is not good enough for Bhutan to join WTO.

.       Bhutan shouldn't be joining WTO
.       Bhutan should have delegation to WTO
.       Bhutan should study WTO’s terms and condition in full length.
.       Bhutan should study its market status before joining WTO

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